
        《苏喂苏喂苏喂》是枫宇辰演唱的英语歌曲,收录在2016年11月19日发行的专辑《苏荷 Mash Up》中。该歌曲在网络中走红。


Telling the truth telling me lies

I can't handle it you gotta decide

Give me a hug give me a kiss

There's no way back one time you started like this

原歌名:Take me hand

女声是法国凯尔特歌手cecile corbel,并不是什么日韩,是吉卜力工作室借物少女艾莉缇的歌手。这首歌的风格在她的曲子里真的不多见了。《艺妓回忆录》段子里面看见的那段配上这音乐的视频前段,小女孩那句"现在我也是艺妓了",音乐刚好唱起,感觉当时小女孩不是在说话,而是在唱这首歌,动作,神情,天真无邪的面庞。 我反反复复的看了不知多少次那段视频,心中如有一湖静水,又庞若惊涛骇浪,感觉自己这一生在寻找这样一个女孩。

苏喂苏喂苏喂 (苏荷 Mash Up) - 枫宇辰

Written by:小精灵

Telling the truth telling me lies

I can't handle it you gotta decide

Give me a hug give me a kiss

There's no way back one time you started like this

Take me away take me away

We leave this planet no more need to stay

Take me away don't wait for the day

So in the night light we will shine and play

Take me away take me away

Take me away take me away

Take me away take me away

Take me away take me away

Take me away

Everybody in the club

Take me away take me away

Take me away take me away

Take me away

We leave this planet no more need to stay

Take me away don't wait for the day

So in the night light we will shine and play

Shine and play

Shine and play

Shine and play

Shine and play

Take me away take me away

We leave this planet no more need to stay

Take me away don't wait for the day

So in the night light we will shine and play

When you touch my skin a beautiful sin

This magic eyes I can only give in

Now this is the truth just me and you

There're so many things that I wanna do

Take me away take me away

We leave this planet no more need to stay

Take me away don't wait for the day

So in the night light we will shine and play

Take me away








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